Discovery Overview
This article covers:
Oftentimes when developing a product, you need feedback on what is being built in order to ensure that it can be the best possible product that you can develop. When this happens, it is useful to be able to easily conduct user research, and Chisel’s Discovery pillar will help you do exactly that.
Chisel’s Discovery Pillar lets people create surveys that they can send out to their own contacts, or they can send them to a tailor-made target audience.
Idea Box
Ideabox is a space for you to store all the ideas, product feature requests, suggestions, and other ways to enhance the product that come from your customers and teammates.

Note: Discover more about ideabox by clicking here.
Feedback Portal
The feedback portal allows the customers to share their ideas with you. One of the innovation sources is customer feedback. Therefore we built a feedback portal for your customers to share, store and give priority to the ideas, all through just a link.

Note: To learn more about the Feedback Portal, go here.
User Survey
The user survey tool lets you create surveys from scratch, from a preexisting template, or from another template that you have already created in the past.

Note: Click here to learn more about user surveys.
The audience view lets you create an audience panel that is tailored to your target audience.

Note: Click here to learn more about audiences.
Related Articles:
Feedback Portal Overview
Idea Box Overview