Microsoft Teams Integration for Idea Box

Microsoft Teams Integration for Idea Box This article covers: Requirements: To get started, you will need the following: Daily interactions and collaboration on MS teams will facilitate product feedback discussions, ideas, and insights. You don’t want to lose out on those valuable insights; instead, keep them stored in one place where feature prioritization decisions are…

Two-Way Communication via Customer Portal

Two-Way Communication via Customer Portal This article covers: When customers submit an idea, you, as a PM, may have queries about its details.  Also, keeping the customers informed and closing the feedback loop is crucial for maintaining a positive relationship and ensuring they get what they request and more from the product.  Two-way communication is…

Categorized as Discovery

Sort the Column Scores 

Sort the Column Scores  This article covers: Organize the scores in your workspace how you want to view them.  How to Use the Sort Tool? There are two distinct methods to sort the scores in the Prioritization drivers: overall calculated scores and Objectives.  Using the Sorting Option Via the Columns

Categorized as Roadmaps