Microsoft Teams Integration for Idea Box

Microsoft Teams Integration for Idea Box This article covers: Requirements: To get started, you will need the following: Daily interactions and collaboration on MS teams will facilitate product feedback discussions, ideas, and insights. You don’t want to lose out on those valuable insights; instead, keep them stored in one place where feature prioritization decisions are…

Hierarchy Import from Jira to Chisel

Hierarchy Import from Jira to Chisel This article covers: Use the Chisel and Jira hierarchy import to populate your Chisel workspace with Jira issues. You can import the nested hierarchies- the parent/child relationship, e.g. epic>story/new feature/bug>sub-task) from Jira into Chisel under a relevant Product (e.g. Component>Feature>Sub-Feature). All while maintaining their parent/child relationship.  Available only on…

GitHub Integration 

GitHub Integration This article covers:  Requirements: To get started, you will need the following: Overview  If your engineering team uses GitHub to track issues and feature requests, incorporating GitHub into your product management workflow will enhance communication, collaboration, and transparency. Chisel’s GitHub integration gives flexibility to your teams to continue working in GitHub while you…

Linking Feature With Existing Jira Issue

Linking Feature With Existing Jira Issue When you have features in Chisel and issues in Jira, and the data is similar or different, and you want to let go of one data to give precedence to another, this tool comes into play.  Pro tip: If you select one Jira issue type, you’ll get a list…

Hierarchy Import in Azure DevOps

Hierarchy Import in Azure DevOps This article covers: You can import your ADO nested hierarchies (parent/child relationship) (Eg. Epic–>Issue–>Task) into Chisel (Eg. Component–>Feature–>Subfeature) in just a few steps.  You simply have to select a relevant product under which to import these hierarchical work items. All the while maintaining the hierarchy of parent/child.  Unlike flat list…

Slack Integration for Idea Box

Slack Integration for Idea Box Table of Contents: Suppose you regularly use Slack to connect and communicate with your colleagues; the probability of having feature ideas lying around in those channels is significant.  Maybe you were discussing a particular issue a customer is facing or stumbled upon an elaborated idea while communicating on slack. You…

Bulk Import Organizations via CSV

Bulk Import Organizations via CSV This article covers: Using the Organization CSV import tool, you can bulk-add various organization accounts into Chisel by importing a CSV file.  One way to use this tool is to either add the organization’s accounts or update them. Requirements:  To get started, you will need the following: Note: A Chisel…

Idea Box CSV Import

Idea Box CSV Import This article covers: Need to import ideas into your workspace from spreadsheets, business systems, or databases via the CSV(Comma Separated Value) file format? We got the exact tool for fulfilling that purpose. Chisel’s Idea Box CSV import tool lets you populate your workspace with data and ideas and prioritize them. Requirements: …