Admin View of the Feedback Portal

Admin View of the Feedback Portal  This article covers: Get a stunning bifurcated view of the Feedback Portal and focus on one thing at a time when discussing which to prioritize and which to put on a back burner. Overview This view will showcase all the important navigation tools for collecting feedback a PM requires….

Categorized as Discovery

Access the History of an Item

Access the History of an Item This article covers: Get a view of the feature activity that captures all the changes made by teammates for various fields. This could be for anything changed manually, such as the statuses, or when an item is added/updated through the integration process.  How Do You Find the Item History?…

Categorized as Roadmaps


FAQ’s 1. Why do I need Chisel? As a Product Manager, you spend 60+ hours a month in busy work to fill the gaps your tools fall short of. Using these inadequate tools leads to wasted time and resources, endless meetings, delayed revenue potential and delayed customer adoption. We can stop this today with an…

Select the Item type in Kanban and Release view

Select the Item type in Kanban and Release view Switch between two types of Chisel feature treeview items—the Components and the Features. Make changes to the Kanban and Release cards instantly by moving them around without unnecessary cards hindering the process. Let’s find out how.

Categorized as Roadmaps