Admin Maker and Maker in Chisel 

Admin Maker and Maker in Chisel  This article covers: Elaborate Meaning of Admin Makers and Makers  An admin maker in Chisel has superpowers to run the workspace well. Admin maker’s roles are more suited for product leaders and IT administrators. They get the full rights to edit product roadmaps, set up and manage integrations and…

Chisel User Roles 

Chisel User Roles  Table of Contents: As an admin maker of your workspace, it is crucial to clearly understand the various user roles your teammates can have. This will help you define new members’ control access to features and other actions in Chisel when you invite them to the workspace.  You can always update user…

Contributor Abilities in Chisel

Contributor Abilities in Chisel This article covers: As a PM, you would use Chisel to create roadmaps, get feedback, and collect ideas- all to craft outstanding products. Chisel is the one place where you strategize your product work. Therefore, setting the right user permissions for your workspace is essential.  Chisel has two user roles- maker…

Change Your Workspace Name  

Change Your Workspace Name   This article covers: Your workspace name is displayed to the team members when you invite them via email. It’s visible at the top of your workspace and when switching between workspaces. It will usually be (or have) the name of your company or a facet of your product.  If major changes…

How to Invite Other Users on Chisel

How to Invite Other Users on Chisel This article includes: How to Access Team Settings You can invite other users to your Chisel workspace by following the simple steps below. Chisel User Roles We have three kinds of roles under chisel roles: Admin Maker, Maker and Contributor.  To get an in-depth view of all three…