Contributor Abilities in Chisel
This article covers:
As a PM, you would use Chisel to create roadmaps, get feedback, and collect ideas- all to craft outstanding products. Chisel is the one place where you strategize your product work. Therefore, setting the right user permissions for your workspace is essential.
Chisel has two user roles- maker and contributor. As a contributor, you are helping the team to decide on what step to take next by giving your valuable feedback and submitting ideas, along with many other responsibilities.
Let’s go step by step and mark your role and abilities as a contributor!
What is a Contributor?
A Contributor is a role in Chisel assigned to a team member. Contributors have access to the product roadmaps and can provide necessary and valuable insights into the product the team is working on.
What does Chisel look like for a Contributor?
On logging into your workspace, you can access Roadmaps, Team Radar, and Product Feedback tools.

As a contributor, you can take charge of certain aspects of the product roadmap. We’ve divided the contributor abilities wrt the workspace pillars- Roadmaps, Team Radar, and Product Feedback.

As a Contributor, you CAN do the following in Treeview:
- View data related to the Features, such as Prioritization Drivers and Objectives.
- Change/Add the Feature Kanban Status Values
- Change/Add/ the Feature Release Status and Values
- Change/Add Feature Objectives and Values
- Change/Add Feature Dependencies and Values
- Change/Add the Feature Custom Column and Values
- Add/Delete/Change the Labels, Members, and Timelines to the Features
- Leave comments and tag colleagues
As a Contributor, you CANNOT:
- Edit driver values/weights and feature description
- Create/Delete Custom columns, Objectives, Kanban, and Release Status
- Move features within and between Components
- Create new Products, Components/Epics, and Features
- Archive and Unarchive Features
- Rename Products, Components, and Features
Kanban and Release
As a Contributor, you CANNOT:
- Rename Features
- Move features across Components.
As a Contributor, you CAN do the following in Timeline:
- Schedule timelines for your product features
- Everything else the timeline view demands
Team Radar

Team participation
As a Contributor, you CAN do the following in the Team Radar pillar:
- Have full access to Team Alignment
- Request full team feedback
- Request Individual Feature Feedback
- See voting breakdown
Product Feedback

Idea Box
As a Contributor, you CAN do the following in Idea Box:
- Create, update & delete ideas created by you
- Change idea metadata(priority/custom fields)
As a Contributor, you CANNOT:
- Create/Edit/Delete custom fields in Idea Box
- Delete User Surveys & Survey Collectors
Feedback Portal
As a Contributor, you CAN do the following in the Feedback Portal:
- Review the Feedback Portal
As a Contributor, you CANNOT:
- Change permissions
- Publish features