How is the Prioritization Score Calculated?
This article covers:
Prioritization Drivers are crucial factors for evaluating each feature in order to provide a prioritization score that allows you to compare features.
The prioritization score is the aggregate of the weighted average of various prioritization drivers (i.e. columns D1, D2, …..) on a scale of 1-100.
Prioritization Score = Normalized Value of [Sum for all Positive Drivers of (Driver Value * Weightage of Driver) – Sum for all Negative Drivers of (Driver Value * Weightage of Driver)]
(Normalized value means the value adjusted to fit the scale of 1-100)
For example, if the prioritization formulae have 3 positive and 1 negative driver. The value for positive drivers are 40, 60, and 20, and the value for the negative driver is 50.

Score = Normalized Value of ( 40 * 25.00% + 60 * 25.00% + 20 * 25.00% – 50 * 25.00% ) = 48
A pop-up will appear when you click on any score for any Feature.
It will include a description of how the prioritization score gets calculated. Also, a breakdown of the methods used to calculate that particular score.
What is the Driver Weight?
You need to calculate each Prioritization Score by taking a weighted sum of the different Driver Values.
Each Driver Value is assigned a Driver Weight. To calculate the Prioritization Score, each Driver Value gets multiplied by its weight. In the end, the weighted values get summed up.
The Driver Weights are numbers between 0 and 100 that must get selected so that the total of all Driver Weights is 100.
The weight for each driver is between 0-100%, such that the total is 100%.
How to Customize your Prioritization Formula?
Chisel lets you customize your Prioritization Formula. You can do this by clicking on the title ‘Score’ in Treeview.
Once you scroll down in the side panel, the ‘Customize Prioritization Formula’ section shall appear. This will let you modify the score by adjusting the slider for each of the drivers

Click on the ‘Update’ button once the score is 100 percent allocated to save the new Driver Weights.
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