Chisel Enterprise Features 

Chisel Enterprise Features  See what’s included in the Chisel Enterprise plan. Chisel Enterprise plan grants you exclusive access to all the features of the Chisel Premium and much more. You get everything your organization needs to manage products well. Let’s find out. List of features Multiple Feedback Portals  You get to create multiple feedback portals…

Why Chisel 

Why Chisel  How Chisel can help you In this article: Over 90% of product managers use tools like spreadsheets, slide presentations, and Word documents to get their work done, and there isn’t an app to centralize all the data automatically from these tools. Customer feedback is spread across Slack, Intercom, Zendesk, spreadsheets, etc. Roadmaps are…

Private Customer Portal

Private Customer Portal This article covers: Sometimes, the ideas created and features published on the customer portal and other important information should only be accessed by a few key stakeholders. Let’s find out how you can do this authentication! Requirements: To get started, you will need the following: PM Actions Customer Actions 

Categorized as Discovery

Customize Feature Feedback Template for Feedback/Customer Portal

Customize Feature Feedback Template for Feedback/Customer Portal This article covers: Once the ideas are collected in the Idea Box and the PM has considered them to be features, they will need additional takes from users/teammates, etc., to get more granular details on those features. The details can be the relevancy of the feature, users’ concerns…

Categorized as Discovery

Customize Idea Template for Feedback/Customer Portal

Customize Idea Template for Feedback/Customer Portal This article covers: Having the ins and outs of an idea or feedback suggested by your customers or teammates helps you make a wise decision about how to approach that idea/feedback. Chisel’s Idea Template comes into action here! You can customize the template per your requirements, add the details…

Categorized as Discovery

Linking Feature With Existing Jira Issue

Linking Feature With Existing Jira Issue When you have features in Chisel and issues in Jira, and the data is similar or different, and you want to let go of one data to give precedence to another, this tool comes into play.  Pro tip: If you select one Jira issue type, you’ll get a list…

Create Your Product Hierarchy in Chisel

Create Your Product Hierarchy in Chisel This article covers: Note: Sub-feature or the Fourth level of the product hierarchy is only available in the Enterprise edition. When you step into your Chisel workspace for the first time, the first thing is to create the product hierarchy. This way, you ensure that your product and its features are in…

Archive & Delete Multiple Ideas in Bulk

Archive & Delete Multiple Ideas in Bulk This article covers: Say you’ve considered a few ideas, but your Idea Box is flooded with ideas, so you want to clear up some space. In that case, you may wish to delete ideas forever or archive them to have a look at them later. Archiving and deleting…

Categorized as Discovery

Hierarchy Import in Azure DevOps

Hierarchy Import in Azure DevOps This article covers: You can import your ADO nested hierarchies (parent/child relationship) (Eg. Epic–>Issue–>Task) into Chisel (Eg. Component–>Feature–>Subfeature) in just a few steps.  You simply have to select a relevant product under which to import these hierarchical work items. All the while maintaining the hierarchy of parent/child.  Unlike flat list…

Contributor Abilities in Chisel

Contributor Abilities in Chisel This article covers: As a PM, you would use Chisel to create roadmaps, get feedback, and collect ideas- all to craft outstanding products. Chisel is the one place where you strategize your product work. Therefore, setting the right user permissions for your workspace is essential.  Chisel has two user roles- maker…